Prelaunch of the Rapamycin Longevity Lab and the use of the wormbot

BTW, do we have any data from this study or from other studies from Wormbot?

I’ve heard Matt Kaeberlein talked about database with all community sponsored drugs, but I didn’t find anything from his Twitter about this - so probably there is some delay

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They have had tons of work on their side but they are trying to scale things up. This is a post I saw today.

So soon I hope they will get more people onboard in Ora and start to scale up things.


And here is a post on the public database release.


Love this project :clap:
@rapadmin could this thread be boosted onto the frontpage?


Great idea, its a win-win for everyone :pray: we can take a talk, @RapAdmin because there has been some improvements in the projects and hopefully I will get the first initial results from the wormbot this or next week.


BTW, does anyone know if drugs like Acarbose, Canagliflozin, 17 alfa estradiol (NIA ITP compounds) were thoroughly tested on Wormbot?

I’ve seen results from Canagliflozin and Acarbose (posted in this forum or on Twitter) where Canagliflozin and Acarbose failed in worms - but it was only 1 dose tested so we don’t know if it doesn’t work or if just dose was not right

From what Matt Kaeberlein often says: Rapamycin, AKG and Rifampicin are the most potent longevity drugs in worms, but I didn’t heard him talking about testing Acarbose or 17 alfa estradiol in worms


You will soon see the different results on their public database. I know Acarbose has been tested.


Just because 50 uM does not work, it doesn’t mean that 10 uM or 100 uM will not work. Finding the optimal dose is an obstacle. But it is an obstacle to overcome.

Million Molecule Challenge Results and Leaderboard – Ora Biomedical, Inc.