Peter Attia on RichRoll: Tools to Optimize Your Health, Prevent Disease and Live Longer

I believe that Rich Roll is a recovering alcohol which probably explains some of it. That kind of damage catches up with you eventually. He was also a long distance runner and there probably isn’t a perfect way to mitigate all that sun exposure.

Again, skin is an organ too, yearly almost 60-70k people die of ultra violet radiation exposure and there are around 1.5 million new cancer cases per year and somehow this is not important if you are healthy on the inside?

I must say that some must be genetic and when I am critical about how people look at their age I forget that all my grandparents lived well in their 90ies, nobody really died of “old age” but they all died of random accidental deaths and I am forgetting my grandma started getting gray hair in her late 80ies, that my grandfather was using his bicycle every day until 89… even both my parents look at least 20 years younger than people their age and that consequently I am blessed with the same gene pool and look younger. But it is true that looking younger has a lot to do in my opinion with gait and posture and people forget about that. Some have genetically good gait and posture, but you can do so much about it exercising that takes an “untraditional” approach. Most popular exercising routines, strength training with weights, running, cycling etc. do nothing or even worsen the gait and posture and “ages” people.


Lol nowhere did I say skin isn’t important for health. I diagnose and treat skin cancers day in and day out. I’m making the point that there can be a disconnect between it and overall health – for instance, outdoor athletes who also eat healthily but haven’t been great about sunscreen over the years. Many of them end up with numerous basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas along with lots of actinic (sun/UV) damage but will still outlive the vast majority of their peers. Peter Attia is an outdoor athlete (and still looks good for 49 IMO).


Is it me or is PA looking a bit chubs?


See my previous post.

Peter Attia says that men are supposed to be able to farmer’s carry their body weight and women 75%. I’m curious, can the folks here do that? I can farmer’s carry about 40% of my body weight.

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Yes, but I do a lot of resistance training.


He is! I just listened to Huberman podcast and he states that his BMI is 27-28… and then go about how BMI is not a really reliable measurement or smth. :sweat_smile:


I don’t understand the use of BMI, I recently did a DEXA and I’m 13.8% BF overall, yet BMI of 24.

My BMI will just increase because I definitely will put on more muscle and more or less stay the same BF.

Basically going to hit overweight territory sooner or later.

Its easier with kettle bells. Attia says a 40 year old would need to do that (for 2mins) to have a strength trajectory towards a fully functioning 90 year old. So a fifty year old would presumably target c.95% of bodyweight

His other physical targets for a 40 year old (aiming to be a functioning 90 year old) are als interesting:
2 min dead hang
2 min air squat
75 centile for vo2 max


I like this metric. I’m going to work on this. A couple years ago I would carry 50 lbs in each hand and walk the track around the gym. I couldn’t have done 2x that weight without shortening the distance/ time under load. Is there an “official” distance for farmers carry?

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Long-time follower Peter Attia and went to the same school at one point. He has always been a fanatic exerciser which may have done more harm than good in totality. He has been trying to get “healthier” for nearly 20 years so yeah in that regard David Sinclair looks better. My simplistic take is too much exercise is not good for youthful looking.


@Joseph_Lavelle I think Peter Attia said 2 minutes.

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Attia’s “apparent” age is most likely due to exercising outdoors for decades in Southern California (and now Texas) and not being religious about sunscreen, whereas Sinclair appears more of an indoor exerciser (assuming he exercises?), sunscreen user and cosmetic procedure kind of guy. I wouldn’t be surprised if Attia is biologically younger, especially if Sinclair has been relying on resveratrol and not even taking rapamycin (whereas Attia has done the opposite).


“Are you using Rapamycin now?: Yes Was Using, But not right now” would you share the reason that you stopped Rapamycin?

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Sure, if you PM me. It’s not relevant to the discussion.

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Sinclair takes Rapamycin now.

Thx for sharing. May I ask the source? Do we know his dosage/ protocol?

There is a recent Peter Diamandis video where he states he is taking Rapamycin.

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Here: Who in the Health and Longevity Field are Taking Rapamycin (part 2) - #35 by RapAdmin