My Experience: Rapamycin in the Netherlands through Pharmacies

Just try, you can literally have the chat with EUDoctor in 15 minutes, fyi, submit a ticket, don’t even call them. I think they all know about Sirolimus, just put the exact message I had sent

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I never heard of telmisartan, interesting

I just gave a random drug name that is common and considered safe, so less likely to be refused (contrary to rapa or stimulants).

How much did you pay for Pfizer Rapamune? Do they have generic rapamycin in the Netherlands?

No, cost is listed as around 13 euro/day based on a 3mg daily dose


Yeah my cost is in the post as well @adssx

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I don’t think so, not in the EU country I am living in at least. It has to be a local doctor.


Yes, I think the only exception is if you’re traveling to the country of the doctor and have the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). Then, you can get reimbursed at the local rate: Prescriptions abroad: expenses and reimbursements - Your Europe

So if you get a prescription from EUDoctor, travel to Croatia, and present your prescription and your EHIC to a Croatian pharmacy, you might be able to get rapamycin for free? (I don’t know how drugs are reimbursed in Croatia)

No idea. I think the least expensive is using everolimus instead since it is available as a generic in EU and 10 mg every other week, which would be 1 year 3 month supply for around $300, instead of five month supply of sirolimus at 5 mg a week for $400.

Are you sure it’s cheaper? What is the dosage ratio to convert? everolimus (bij maligne aandoening)

According to the pharmacy prices of everolimus 10 mg x 30, yes.

Everolimus is about as potent as sirolimus, if not a little bit more according to Joan Mannick. I don’t know what the difference in half-life makes. It was also what was used in her study.

So apparently:

Two reimbursement lists exist: the basic (100% drug coverage) and the supplementary (co-payment from 10% to 90%) lists. The basic list covers both hospital and retail drugs.

(Drug Policy in Croatia 2017)

Here’s the basic list: Objavljene liste lijekova | HZZO

Sirolimus is listed. So it should be fully reimbursed. But in “Indikacija s kriterijima za primjenu ili smjernica s kriterijima za propisivanje na recept” (“Indication with application criteria or guideline with prescription criteria”), there is the code “RL43” meaning “Samo za bolesnike nakon transplantacije bubrega, po preporuci specijalista internista ili specijalista pedijatra u transplantacijskim centrima.” (“Only for patients after kidney transplantation, on the recommendation of specialist internists or specialist pediatricians in transplant centers.”)

I confirm that EU Doctor’s e-prescriptions work perfectly well in the UK: just got amlodipine 2.5 mg.


Nice, we should document these experiments we’re doing with pharmacies & doctors somewhere.

My husband is a doctor and I never had any problems getting any medicine anywhere in the world. Usually his presenting his card at pharmacy is enough, I had prescriptions written by him on post-it notes… if it is not large quantity or controlled medicines (usually what is on the list of PED and what can be abused like tranquilizers etc.) is not a problem and even that is normal quality is not a problem.
And I filedl prescription from EUdoctor twice for another user on this forum as they don’t complicate at my pharmacy much and it is rather well priced and even with that I have no problems.

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It’s already listed here, actually: Rapamycin Prescription, Doctors that Prescribe It


Thanks for your info about your quest to get sirolimus delivered by your pharmacist in the Netherlands.
I am dutch too and I wonder if your pharmacist would be inclined to provide other dutch people that have a similar prescription. Could you give me the adress of this pharmacy if they have no objection.

Furthermore I have a scientific background like you and would like contact to brainstorm about the use of sirolimus and other substances for longevity.

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Hi Karel, welcome to our forums.

We’re all about brainstorming about the use of sirolimus and other longevity substances - so please, join in the conversations here and share your thoughts and ideas. We’re all on this journey together and we really appreciate a strong scientific perspective and experience. We have many PHDs here and medical doctors and we try (as perhaps you’ve seen from the past discussions) try to be very focused on the data that we can pull together pro and con about all the possible technologies and compounds that may help in longevity.


Thanks for your response.
This site is a great resource of information so apart from my personal interest I would like to find out if we could start scientific research starting with the people interested from this group.
maybe by creating a spreadsheet with data like age(group) at start with rapa, Quetelet index at start end after three months, effects noticed within 24h after first dose and any biometrical parameters deemed relevant.
My second question would be to find a TLC or paper chromatography protocol easy enough for diy at home to distinguish between sirolimus, everolimus and so on and fakes or impurities.
As a newcomer I have a lot of questions also on other topics like stem cell, turning back the biological clock caused by shortening of DNA etc.

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Thank you so much for sharing your experience. It gives me hope, and I will try that as well, since obtaining a rapamycin prescription is currently quite difficult here in Germany.

Your 21 years old and taking Rapamycin?

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