My DAV* Therapy Experiment begins! *Doxycycline, Azithromycin and Vitamin C

All the information is in the patent application.

In my view the patent application is much more detailed than the published paper.

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Eat lots of yogurt. My poop tells me right away when my gut biome is bad. :sweat_smile:


I’ve always done so in spite of that azithromycin is just terrible for my gut, amoxicillin is too but much less so than azithromycin. Flucloxacillin a small spectrum bactericide antibiotic also gives me a lot if distress

Oddly enough augmentin (amoxicillin paired with clavulanic acid to increase the spectrum) gives me virtually no GI distress.

My theory is that shifting the microbiome is far worse that killing of the entire microbiome

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Are you taking higher doses than the protocol uses? “250mg azithromycin once every 3 days”

Yes, I am taking 250mg of azithromycin every 3day/72 hours

The 100mg of doxycycline twice a day, every 12 hours.

Vitamin C 2 grams{yes two grams] six hours after taking the doxycycline - meaning 2 time a total of 4 grams per day


I just sent{Wednesday the 27th of September at 22:09EST] an email to both Federica Sotgia and
Michael P. Lisanti.

Invited them to this forum/thread.


I trust your judgment on this. When my meds arrive, I will start the protocol.
Are you planning to do 5 weeks and then take a break?

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Yes, I will do this for 5 weeks/35 day

Assuming there are no very bad side effects.

I will be posting on the first post every day my dose time and if any effects good or bad.


Well, I have to wait two or three weeks until I receive my meds. So, you canaries in the coal mine, please let us know if you experience any unpleasant side effects. :smile:

I am pasteing this on my bathroom mirror:
“A 77-year-old man of interest had hair growth, mental cognition and agility, strength and stamina, and increased libido, as well as visual acuity, hearing, conversation, hand-eye coordination and balance, and overall well-being”


@desertshores, where might I read more about this sir? I’ve only read the pub med article. Thanks!

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Well, then you know about as much as the rest of us. Because you are much younger than the old farts in the forum, you can afford to wait to see what the consequences of the protocol are.
Since the older members of the forum can’t afford to wait around for clinical trials, etc., we tend to be on the early forefront of adoption.


It is in the patent application


Thanks for the compliment but my mom passed right after turning 69 and my maternal grandmother and great grandmother were both only 39 when they died so I tend to not take a long life for granted! From that perspective I’ve lived either 15 years longer than expected or I may have @ 15 additional years if I make it to the longer lifespan of my mother. I’m hoping, praying and trying for more of course!


@blsm If you are here, you are probably leaning more toward the 69 and beyond side of the scale. Honestly, everyone here should prepare to be a centenarian.


Amazon, God, and Jadish Nikose, know that I am trying.


I just started yesterday- will do blood test in 5 weeks. I have not been on antibiotics in decades so it will be interesting to see if I have any improvements in longevity markers after the five weeks. I base most of my self hacks on bloodwork outcomes.


What blood test are you going to do?

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Essential Blood Test Panel plus Hemoglobin A1c includes a Complete Metabolic Panel (CMP-14), Lipid Panel With Total Cholesterol:HDL Ratio, Thyroid Panel with Thyroid-stimulating Hormone (TSH), Complete Blood Count (CBC) With Differential and Platelets, Kidney Panel, Liver Panel, Glucose, Fluids and Electrolytes, Mineral and Bone plus Hemoglobin A1c.


KFISH, a question for both you and Joseph. Are you going to quit taking rapamycin while you do the DAV 5-week protocol?


Yes, I have been off rapamycin for several months. Was about to start again in October.

Now I will do the DAV Therapy for the 5 weeks/35 days.

Restart the rapamycin after I finish the DAV