My DAV* Therapy begins! *Doxycycline, Azithromycin and Vitamin C

Professor Lisnati’s paper(the DAV paper) is from 2019

And he has the credentials and is the Head of a major lab*

And I will post it again, in my view if you understand this paper(the DAV paper), DAV Therapy is a “no-brainer”.

*The laboratory is currently(in 2022/2023) ranked number 1 in England, number 2 in the UK, and number 39 word-wide.

After seeing the effects of senolytics in the RMR and the failure of the Mayo trials, I am now quite skeptical that senolytics provide any real benefits to longevity. I’ll need more proof before I attempt DAV or any senolytic in the future.

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Adding to the DAV paper from 2019. This google patent is from 2022, somewhat updated.

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There are a numerous caveats that apply like azithromycin and those with heart problems. So it is not automatically for everyone. And requires some thinking, risk vs. reward, where the reward aspect is about a experimental petri dish, in vitro, protocol, not even in humans.

It is a sign of a cult to tell people they do not need to think much about it. As well as to shut down people when they bring up possible negative consequences of a treatment or tell others to ignore them, rather than acknowledge possible negative side effects in risk vs. reward calculation.

" something so simple or obvious that you do not need to think much about it:" definition of no-brainer.

Who may not be able to take azithromycin

Azithromycin is not suitable for some people. To make sure it’s safe for you, tell your doctor if you have:

  • ever had an allergic reaction to azithromycin or any other medicine
  • liver or kidney problems
  • heart problems, including irregular heartbeats (arrhythmia)
  • ever had diarrhoea when you have taken antibiotics before
  • myasthenia gravis – azithromycin can make the symptoms of this muscle-weakening condition worse
  • diabetes – azithromycin liquid contains sugar

The Caped Crusader strikes again! Saving the world from Vitamin C and 2 common antibiotics!
“Doxycycline (Vibramycin) and azithromycin (Zithromax) are antibiotics used to treat many different types of bacterial infections. Doxycycline and azithromycin are different types of antibiotics. Doxycycline is a tetracycline antibiotic and azithromycin is a macrolide antibiotic. Side effects of doxycycline and azithromycin that are similar include diarrhea or loose stools, nausea, abdominal pain, and vomiting.”
It doesn’t say “sudden death”. This protocol seems safe enough, that if people want to try it, I don’t see a problem - of course it’s not for everybody…nothing is.
Oh, Public Notice - after @AnUser disbands this dastardly cult, he will be giving deprogramming sessions…please be patient and wait your turn.
PS - @AnUser , stop scaring @SNK


So are you responding to what I said or what you believe I said?
You don’t like that people think, for example?
That they are common antibiotics useful in certain contexts like bacterial infections prescribed by a doctor or specialist, is different. They look into your medical history, your current medications, what infection you have, and so on…

Marcolide antibiotics like azithromycin interact with colchicine, as well.

Heart failure was more frequent in the colchicine plus a macrolide cohort (n = 402, 18.3%) vs the colchicine non-macrolide one (n = 1153, 9.1%) (p < 0.0001) and also had a higher mortality rate [(85 (3.87%) vs 289 (2.28%), p < 0.0001 macrolides vs non-macrolides cohorts, respectively].

I don’t see a mention of colchicine in this 517 post long thread, despite the orginal poster, has mentioned elsewhere that he takes colchicine or say it is a ‘no brainer’ to take it.


@AnUser you are as aware as anyone else that you should check for drug interactions for anything you take. What’s your problem here?

This thread has unfortunately become useless because of the nonsense. Too bad as it started out interesting — guess I’ll have to bookmark the intervention and research it on my own.


You don’t think it’s inappropriate that the interaction with colchicine of all drugs, people commonly take here, apparently including the original poster, is not mentioned? (I found out now by looking at the Azithromycin wikipedia page).

Last time I ordered from Jagdish he didn’t have anything smaller than 100mg Doxy, so I ended up buying from somebody else I hadn’t used before. Just got the order and the Doxy is not what I ordered, it was 100mg. I really wanted 40. I wanted it weekly for my chelation.

You can “guarantee” nothing in medicine or biology.

“All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; the dosage alone makes it so a thing is not a poison.”
~ Paracelsus

“Sola dosis facit venenum”
“The dose makes the poison”

Drink enough water and you will expire.


Doxycycline 20mg tablets(lowest commercial available in the US) many places online to purchase via tele medical consultation

Or get a prescription

You are 100% right with exception of antibiotics. Not doing DAV, not now, not ever!

I am however doing 50MG doxy for about 10 days (first dose this morning)

I have a great amount of 100mg that I am cutting them in half and doing 50mg per day. Wish I had the 20mg ones and could have done it twice per day.

No DAV for me my friend!

If a person does not understand the published paper. I do not think they will under the patent application {as the patent application has even more biochemistry details]

I agree, just wanted to bring it to the attention of the whole group. Patent is dated Jan 20. 2022.

I live in Spain and the lowest dose tablet is 100 mg. Doxycycline. Just cut a pill into quarters and was really suprised on how easy it was and the consistency of the tablet let you do it without a mess. June 1st is my next round and will be taking 25 mg. twice a day. Also thinking of reducing Arithomycin to 125 mg every 3 days. These doses are still many times more than the effective dose of 1uM.

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Try cutting 100 mg tablet, I did and it worked like a charm. I cut mine into quarters.

I got the capsules, could mix them with something and put in my capsules using my machine, but hate going to all the trouble.

throw them in garbage and place a new order but specifically ask for tablets. Who the hell has all that time to empty capsules and then divide etc. I got mine at 100mg’s and cut them in 1/2 and are very easy to cut. As the dude from Sapin suggested I might actually cut them in 25mg and do it twice per day. No AZI for me though!