Lure Hsu (Asian Woman Aging Well) latest videos

I think @Krister_Kauppi should interview her for his podcast! :sweat_smile:


If she is taking Rapamycin then that could be an case interview in the podcast that I’m interested in doing but it will be later on because focus is now on trying to interview the key figures in the field. But if you or someone else find out something more on her regarding Rapamycin please let me know :pray:

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I want to see her children and grandchildren. If they have the same youthful looks, it is a genetic gift. If not, this is a result of cosmetic or surgical intervention; or both.


You can change your face, maybe body skin with cosmetic interventions, but her gait, moving, posture, speech can’t be result of any cosmetic intervention. This is far more impressive than looks.

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If I was a contestant, this would destroy my self esteem. Losing a beauty contest to a man…

It wouldn’t destroy mine bc it’s comparable to loosing to a robot. Nothing in that man is natural. His looks are the result of multiple interventions. It’s odd and grotesque imo that it was even allowed.

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The platysma typically start to separate at age 45. I am an extreme outlier as mine started to separate at 59. Most likely, she had her first face/neck lift at 60 and another every 7-10 years after. She’s still very impressive, though, for many other reasons.

During pregnancy, there is upregulation of the matrix metalloproteinases that break down collagen so as to accommodate the growing fetus. Multiple pregnancies take a heavy toll on a woman’s skin quality and increase laxity. This is more evident in European women compared to Asian or African women.

One of this particular woman’s great advantages was that she had no husband and no children.

And I want to see her close up high quality picture showing her ear.

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Yes, she very likely has highly distorted tragi. In one of the videos I saw, they had blurred out that part of her when her face was in profile. Also her wig was probably chosen for maximum coverage of that area.

The trade-off is probably worth it. It’s also worth spending a fortune on finding a very gifted surgeon, if one can afford it.

I believe the mind-body connection is very strong, and if we see a youthful reflection in the mirror, that positively affects the entire body.

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