I will stay far away from turning toward discussing what covid related information is trustworthy, rates of people who produced lots of spike proteins, or how post mRNA “vaccine” statistics on excess deaths are to be explained away, all not fitting on this forum, but surely you will agree that China offered their citizens proper vaccines that did not instruct their bodies to make spikes, and offered rather than forced. So, that is relevant for who seeks a place allowing longevity in the future.
There was a scandal with the vaccines and how the governments handled it. The vaccines are also more risky than initially thought, and the spike protein is very harmful. I fully agree with all that. What I don’t like seeing is people making incorrect statements about the spike protein exposure. They act as if the vaccines are the biggest source of the spike protein while in fact it’s getting infected that’s by far the biggest source. Note that the worse the infection, the more the virus will replicate in your body and the more spike protein your body will be exposed to, so keeping the infection as mild as possible is key to minimizing spike protein exposure.
Despite the vaccines of course not being without harm and side effects, it is pretty clear that they did reduce the severity of the COVID infections on average. Lower severity means fewer viruses in your body and since the viruses are the major source of the spike protein, that means less spike protein exposure. Yes you do get spike protein from the mRNA vaccines, and that’s not good, but if correctly administered this exposure is localized to the deltoid muscles, because the vaccine gets injected into the deltoid muscles and those muscle cells produce the spike protein there. In that case only tiny amounts of spike protein ever get to the blood and the rest of the body. In contrast, when you get infected with COVID, the virus spreads all over the body leading to spike protein exposure in all major organs. Because the virus replicates for days or even weeks, the exposure can be very high. In contrast with the mRNA vaccines, they just give you a fixed dose of mRNA that produces a relatively fixed amount of spike proteins locally for maybe just 24 hours, with no further production. Also the spike protein produced by the vaccines doesn’t replicate, while the virus replicates.
There is an exception where the vaccines can be extra harmful. That’s when the vaccines are incorrectly administered. That was very common in the US, according to friends that got vaccinated there. This occurs when the needle is not aspirated and the person is unlycky enough for the needle to hit a vein and the contents of the needle being injected directly into the blood circulation instead of the deltoid muscles. That leads to a sharp rise in spike protein that can spread through the blood to all kinds of organs, something that doesn’t really occur to a significant extent with correct administration. Such improper administration is likely the cause of many cases of adverse effects that people get after getting the vaccine. Btw, I made sure the needle was aspirated when I got the vaccine, so the dose would be localized to the deltoid muscles to minimize risk. I did that to minimize my spike protein exposure. I then managed to not get infected with COVID until in 2023, with the milder variants, so I think I did pretty good at minimizing my spike protein exposure.
Regarding the Chinese vaccines. Not being mRNA vaccines, I agree that they would not give you any spike proteins. Such kind of vaccines would be safer and better for those concerned about even small spike protein exposures. I agree with that. I just think that worrying about the spike protein exposure from a correctly administered mRNA vaccine, while a reasonable concern, is a small concern relative to how much you should worry about getting spike protein from getting infected. Unless you live under a rock, you will get infected, and you most likely will get lots of spike protein exposure from that, more than you would get from a correctly administered mRNA vaccine.
This is my understanding of the situation with the spike proteins, FWIW, and it’ sbased on the biology of vaccines not on politics. I am no fan of the governments but I try to keep politics out of this and assess these things objectively.
Thank you for your detailed response. Some interesting points, however, allow me to quib, adding a detail (the Western competency crisis) to how XYZ (whole body, sometimes long term(!), spike production) happened, does not imply XYZ did not happen. I did not make any claims about how it happened in detail. Suchlike and more was predicted to happen, so I stayed away, and then it happened, so I think I did well.
Also, proper vaccines, like the virus, show the immune system more than just one characteristic protein. Generally, in complex evolved (thus integrated) systems (body, society), as long as we do not have a very good understanding of the whole, the natural, evolved ways are usually better, especially long term (e.g. having future exposures in mind). Thus, I am glad I dealt with it naturally. Never been vaxed for things like flu and otherwise healthy, VitD and all, it was mild anyway. Also mentally, the vaxed always have the added stress of the anxiety about not having been vaxed sufficiently this time, their confidence in their own body is gone. I know my body can deal with the sniffels.
This is a good point and one reason immunity gotten by getting infected is generally better than that developed from vaccine exposure. However, people that get vaccinated and later get infected, will get that natural immunity also when they get infected.
Guys - please try to stay on-topic. This has nothing to do with the original post.
It looks like Hong Kong would like to become a longevity tourist hotspot. They’re looking for immigration and imported $$$s.
Near to (in the orbit of) Auroville, in India would be ideal. It already has established a blue zone and the climate is excellent. India has an incredible tradition of lifespan extension over many millennia and treatments and interventions (even stem cells etc.) are the most affordable on earth. Auroville has “a youth that never ages” in its constitution so being in the orbit of Auroville would be ideal.
Quick video on Auroville: