Life Expectancy in the USA (Bad and Getting Worse)

As someone who still works at the coalface of at least America in the South - I see each generation getting fatter than their parents, and the mental ability (probably due to poor diets, being numbed by technology, insulin resistance, smoking, etc) in my observation is worsening.
I do not think our medical technology will overwhelm this host of slow suicide individuals who do everything possible to worsen their health.
In affluent areas things are somewhat better, but I can say that of my physician colleagues, very few of their children are going to get to that status or earn/produce what their parents have.
So I’d be shocked if we move things up be just 2-3 years in the U.S. and it’ll be at a lot of expense. I guess job security for me.



The findings may sound discouraging, but they could redefine the future of longevity research. Instead of just focusing on preventing disease, scientists may start targeting resilience loss itself.

Fields like biotechnology, regenerative medicine, and cellular reprogramming could offer new ways to slow down the loss of resilience—possibly pushing the human lifespan beyond the 150-year barrier.

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