Probably true Chris… lol… but I can’t resist the current $5 meal deal at McDonald’s – you get double burger, chicken nuggets, medium fry and medium coke which you can refill 2 or 3 times if you are actually eating in the restaurant like I do! Oh you also probably getting a bit of coronary disease too. Tho Finasteride might reduce that in your blood.
Somehow, deep inside, I know McDonalds is probably extending your life… that is how your luck goes :).
It was funny, when I was dating my husband, to his chagrin, I was a vegetarian (now vegan) and didn’t eat at fast food restaurants with him. I would always go with him and keep him company. The last time he expressed his dismay that I didn’t eat fast food, I said point to the woman who eats here every day who you’d like to date….
Note, I said the ‘last time’ he expressed his dismay
right, because with the new “vaccines”, the unvaccinated can still infect the vaccinated,…
another of many reasons to stay pure blooded
You claim to be “pure-blooded”, yet your blood is contaminated with microplastics, seed oils, fluoride and the microchips (((they))) put in our water supplies.
no seed oils or fluoride here, and the igniton particle Faraday orb cube in my buttplug interferes with (((their))) signals.
10 or 100? I know which one I’d pick.
I’d give you 100 million dollars to not be in a room with 100 10 year olds.