How water guides the assembly of collagen, the building block of all humans


Interesting study, but I’d be very careful ingesting too much D20 (heavy water)…first it will sterilize you, then it will kill you…

"…While it’s unlikely you could drink enough heavy water to really harm yourself, the hydrogen bonds formed by deuterium are stronger than those formed by protium. One critical system affected by this change is mitosis, the cellular division used by the body to repair and multiply cells. Too much heavy water in cells disrupts the ability of mitotic spindles to equally separate dividing cells .

Theoretically, you’d have to replace 20 to 50% of the regular hydrogen in your body with deuterium to experience symptoms ranging from distressing to catastrophic. For mammals, replacing 20% of the body’s water with heavy water is survivable (although not recommended); 25% causes sterilization, and about 50% replacement is lethal.2

Other species tolerate heavy water better. For example, algae and bacteria can live on 100% heavy water (no regular water)…"

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