Higher Dose Rapamycin - some initial results

Overnight the glucose levels dropped to slightly higher, but not 1mmol/L higher than normal.

According to my calculations I am now back on track to the last dose as there was one day with higher serum concentrations. However, this time I have both the CGM and more broad blood tests.

I will probably hold back on reporting anything until I have quite a bit more information.


One point for anyone using a CGM. My CGM just fell off. I bought special overpatches to tape it securely, but I put those on over the Dexcom overpatch. Because they did not cover all of the overpatch supplied by dexcom which has weaker adhesive the whole thing came off.

Hence in putting on the second CGM session I have not put on the Dexcom overpatch so that the stronger adhesive covers all of the CGM.

This may be worth considering as an option.

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@John_Hemming i recommend Kinesio Tape.

Kinesiology Tape, Waterproof Physio Tape for Pain Relief, Muscle & Joint Support

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There are in fact people who sell overpatches. I do have some kinesiology tape, but I think it is important to not attach the CGM with too much pressure.

Interestingly I have seen a rapamycin bounce in my glucose post breakfast today. Normally glucose goes up and then comes down, but with rapamycin in my system when not doing any exercise there is a bounce.

Sadly I cannot see this yesterday because the CGM fell off at exactly the time this would be seen. On Tuesday I was walking to my blood draw which skews the result.

On Monday although I had taken rapamycin it had not then started to have this effect. With my new CGM planting location I intend keeping track for a couple of weeks. I find it does not cause problems at night and even when I go to bed quite drunk (which has an interesting effect on glucose) I don’t have problems with the CGM.

I had a lot of problems planting it in my abdomen and the back top of the upper arm was difficult when sleeping on my right.


I used these to protect the cgm @John_Hemming they stay on in the shower and last the two weeks of the sensor but are easily swapped for new ones without touching the sensor:
Kovoq 30pcs Adhesive Patches for… https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0B2KPC5Q7?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

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Thanks for this. I find these ones quite good

The reason the first CGM fell off was the Dexcom overpatch which blocked this overpatch from sufficient contact with the skin.

Dexcom are quite good at replacing sensors that fall off and I have a replacement one (I initially bought three).

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