Fasting, taurine and general worsening in laboratory tests

I agree with @scta123 that your results could just be testing noise where the values vary because they are
a) not that precise
b) vary during the day
c) vary depending upon details of the testing process (HbA1c for example metabolises in a sample as does glucose)


U are 100% right!
Anxiety has definitely been a problem since forever.
I try, but it’s always stronger than me, especially on health-related topics.
As for gluten, exposure is unlikely, I only eat at home.

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You may want to consider micro dosing lithium rotate to reduce anxiety.

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I’m using this one, it seems to help, but maybe just 1 capsule a day is too low dose.


No, that should be fine.

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Do you get anxious if you don’t eat? I don’t think fasting is good in that case, at least if your food intake is at the end of the day rather than the start. Also you should def work on the anxiety, it’s worth it. Make sure you are well hydrated too as I think that can help with anxiety (and possibly low sodium diet), see my thread here:

If you do try and improve anxiety, I would recommend cognition as well, and level of comfort. If you can find something that hits all three.

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By “sugar consumption”, did you mean table sugar? How about starches? Rice, potatoes, pasta?

Poor sleep can affect glucose. I have experienced that. Your a1c doesn’t seem to have deviated too drastically. Could be noise, as the posters above say.

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No, on the contrary. Fasting makes me feel really good physically. I don’t think much about food. However, being very thin really bothers me a lot.

Do you have any suggestions for achieving a great sleep?
Maybe this really is the most important topic for me right now.

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What’s your BMI?
Sleep is important but it’s not the only factor, I don’t know so much about it.

I mean all kind of sugar. I used to eat sweets, chocolates, cakes. Now I’ve cut off every candy.
I still eat potatoes, rice… but consumption is the same as before.

BMI 22. I’m 1.76 and weigh 69 kg. I look very thin, I wish I weighed 80

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Your BMI is good. If you don’t want to look thin you can do lots of resistance training and eat high protein.


Do you walk outside? How about swimming? Both help me much with anxiety and sleep.

About your diet: you still eat potatoes and rice. Could you cut on those just to try? What time is your last meal before going to bed?


I do weight training 5x a week and play soccer 2x a week. I’m always looking to walk in the sun. I can not swim :sweat_smile: :melting_face:

My last meal is at most 7 pm. 3 hours before my bedtime.

I try to do everything right. Training, nutrition, supplementation… but anxiety and sleep are still bad.


Your stack/routine seems good, but always is possible to add something new that can be better for specific concerns. Thinks like sauna, yoga, mindfulness, some glass of wine…

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Yes, you are doing all the right things! Then may be forces that are beyond your control are in play here. Something like magnetic/solar storms, air pollution, city noise, broad band transmission, plastic everywhere, bad news on TV 24/7, etc. Most ppl are stressed out and experience anxiety and sleep disruption.


@LaraPo Watch out, you may make him paranoid about everything!

@miller71 It sounds like you are on the right track. It may be possible that you are trying too hard and this may be increasing your anxiety as you may feel that you need to do everything, everywhere all at once. I think you should slow down, reflect on the protocol/stack/advice of the greatest longevists out there (i.e. Dr. Matt Kaeberlein, Dr. Peter Attia, Bryan Johnson and that Pescoe guy) and see if there is any tweak that you can make. I would not make more than 1 tweak/week. See how it goes and if it is beneficial or detrimental to your health or psychology. Then decide if you want to keep or discard the change.

Remember this is a marathon and not a sprint. You’ve made a lot of changes rapidly. Now you should contemplate, discuss, and evaluate them. You can also ask all of our opinions. We’re here to help you live longer. is like a hive mind for longevity.


The problem may be an issue like Generalized Anxiety Disorder… lots of approaches are available to address it

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For me, ensuring that I don’t eat within 3 hours of bedtime. No to very little alcohol. My Oura ring results and how I feel supports this. Exercise, which in my case is walking at least 5 miles (roughly 10,000 steps) over the course of the day, starting with a good 20 minutes first thing in the morning which also give me natural morning light. Am fortunate to be able to walk in nature in the morning, which I am sure helps. For a deeper dive you might check out Mattew Walker’s book Why We Sleep or catch him on one of his many interviews (YouTube).

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I have found that chromium helps with anxiety and it lowers glucose. I think it’s in brewers yeast if you want it from a natural source. There are cinnamon supplements that have chromium added and that seems good to me, I use it. Vanadium is important too. I was trying to find a source of sea urchin Roe (eggs) and discovered they are really expensive, so gave up.

I like Homocystex plus. It gives b vitamins in a form that works for me and lowers homocysteine. Mine was 7 a few weeks ago. For some reason this supp makes me very chill. I used to be a Math Bee coach and the kids drove me crazy. I always took this before going in and seriously it makes a huge difference.

Good Luck,