Cooking (even boiling) food damages its DNA which gets absorbed into the body's cells, which damages their DNA

From FB Messenger:

An additional source of aging from cooking food has been discovered.

It has long already been known that adding heat to foods causes sugars to randomly attach to proteins in an uncontrolled version of glycosylation called glycation via heat increasing random reaction rates. Because our bodies posttranslationally modify proteins with different chemical groups including sugars to accomplish their functions, sugar mods can prevent proper breakdown of amino acids and lead to problematic incorporation of glycated endproducts which our kidneys help filter with RAGES (receptor for advanced glycation endproducts).

A new paper demonstrates that a similar process appears to occur with heat-damaged DNA in food, whose alternative bases also become incorporated into bodies after consumption. This was a suspected potential damage pathway before, but for me this study confirms it. Animals ingesting cooked food compared to uncooked food had elevated levels of double-stranded break regions and genetic rearrangements, and incorporation of alternative bases.

Cooking has long been a tradeoff between killing microbes with improving flavor versus nutrition and carcinogens and production of toxicity.

This information won’t change what I’m doing by too much I’m already on uncooked meal replacements like soylent and pills, but might be interesting to others.
h/t Denis Odinokov

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Is this the old glycation issue and burned food issue?

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particular, within many phylogenetic groups, organisms with
larger cells and lower metabolic rates generally have larger genomes (e.g.,
Gregory 2001, 2002a,b; Vinogradov and Anatskaya 2006)

Steam or boil food to cook it is best.


And add some Carnosine Supplement to your daily routine to fend off the glycation issues.

Why do you mostly consume soylent?