The human trial in an elderly population’s improved immune response to flu vaccine warrants careful consideration. If Rapa only delayed the aging of the immune system and nothing else-it would be a win.
Right. But let us not elide the fact that it was everolimus, not sirolimus. It probably has the same effect (this is my supposition), but unless it’s tested, we don’t actually know for sure.
I take 2mg Retatrutide per week, 10mg Empagliflozin per day, and 5mg Rapamycin per week.
Similar to @LukeMV : 4mg Reta, 5mg dapagliflozin (half dose), trying 5mg rapa every 2 weeks. That’s a half dose for me per serum levels, but anything more was interfering with my resistance training priority.
Out of curiosity, did you trace the deleterious effects on resistance training to rapa specifically, and did you exclude the other drugs as possibly responsible - I’m thinking along the lines that it’s possible that dapa by itself is fine, and rapa by itself is fine, however the problem starts when you take both concurrently. I take empagliflozin 12.5mg/day, and 6mg/1-week, and haven’t noticed any effect on exercise or recovery - of course it’s possible that longer term I’ll see some effect, or perhaps my resistance training is not pushing it enough to notice effects at the max effort levels.
I have a strong suspicion that dapagliflozin is causing me anxiety. Previously, I thought it was due to chronic insomnia, which has been worse lately. However, my insomnia also worsened after a month of using 5 mg, and when I increased the dose to 10 mg at the end of October, the anxiety symptoms became more severe. Of course, there can be many different causes for anxiety, but I have already tried discontinuing all other supplements and similar factors.
Has anyone had any similar experiences, even mild ones? The literature tends to provide more positive examples, such as a reduction in sympathetic tone. However, in this link, anxiety and depression are listed as fairly common side effects. There hasn’t been a significant effect on my blood sugar levels, so the anxiety doesn’t seem to be related to that.
I guess I should try stopping it. When would it be possible to draw conclusions — after two weeks?
Didn’t you have a similar issue with telmisartan, or am I confusing with someone else?
People with T2D using SGLT2i have lower rates of depression than other people with T2D and than people without T2D. So, they seem to have antidepressant effects. See also: Efficacy of empagliflozin as adjunctive therapy to citalopram in major depressive disorder: a randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial 2024
For anxiety, there’s not much data. I only found the following:
- Does treatment with sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors have an effect on sleepquality, quality of life, and anxiety levels in people with Type 2 diabetes mellitus? 2021: low-quality paper that found no effect
- SGLT2 inhibition, circulating proteins, and insomnia: A mendelian randomization study 2024: they didn’t look at anxiety, but as you mentioned insomnia: “SGLT2 inhibition was negatively correlated with insomnia (odds ratio [OR] = 0.791, 95 % confidence interval [CI] [0.715, 0.876], P = 5.579*10^-6) and positively correlated with sleep duration (β = 0.186, 95 % CI [0.059, 0.314], P = 0.004).”
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, but SGLT2 are so commonly used (top 50 in terms of prescriptions in the US and top 5 in terms of $$$ spent) that I think a signal for anxiety would have been detected long ago. They’re most likely neutral. Of course, everyone is different and we don’t know the human body that well…
Yes, you remember correctly. At least I thought telmisartan was the cause. I started both medications fairly close to each other — first telmisartan, and then dapagliflozin a few weeks later. Telmisartan definitely increased my resting heart rate quite a lot. After stopping it, it felt for a moment like the anxiety had eased a bit, but later it worsened. It’s possible, and even likely, that the medications have nothing to do with this. However, somehow this doesn’t seem to be explained solely by “thoughts” in my mind.
I agree that according to the literature, the opposite effect would be more likely, but I have to try this as well since the situation has already gotten quite bad.
Does anyone know what the side effect list on Drugs. com is based on? Reports from users?
Could it be that your underlying anxiety has a random or cyclical pattern, and the associations with interventions that you might start or end are, therefore, not causal?
What are you doing to cure your anxiety? (Not an easy thing to do…)
I’m not sure this source is valuable. This gov source does not list anxiety: Dapagliflozin: MedlinePlus Drug Information
That’s quite possible; I’ve thought the same before. Dapagliflozin reduces anxiety 1-3 hours after taking it, which is why I haven’t stopped it. However, I’ve reviewed my notes more closely to track recent changes, and dapagliflozin is the only thing I haven’t paused for a longer period.
I’ve tried different medications, but they made the insomnia worse. I’m attending therapy and trying various relaxation techniques, and I do light exercise whenever I’ve managed to get at least some sleep.
fwiw: For my anxiety and insomnia, the only things that helped were CBT-I and daily meditation (30 min to 1h, initially with the Headspace app then without).
Actually, reading another thread, I have come across a report by desertshores who also experienced appetite suppression on rapamycin:
So I am not alone!
Mayo Clinic apparently lists anxiety too, not necessarily reliable, but I guess they are based on something, even individual cases?
I am one of those people without diabetes or obesity who takes these for prevention. Fingers crossed!
My reasons are that I have heart disease and a lot of neurodegenerative diseases run in my family, in addition to having one copy of APOE4. For me, once I confirmed I have a gene that elevates my risk, the possible risk of intervention decreased.
I’m 58 and take:
6mg of rapamycin 1x/wk
1-1.5mg-ish of tirzepetide or retatrutide 1x/wk
Dapagliflozin daily
I never expected to feel a result of rapa and was only taking it for long term health, but it immediately had an impact on my insomnia. My life has changed as a result. Sleep, as it turns out, is a great thing!!! Who knew?
FWIW, I started out with rapa almost a year ago, and then months later, as my comfort grew, I added the glp1, and then months later added dapagliflozin.
Just an observation regarding my migration from Empagliflozin to Dapagliflozin. It’s been a week since I’ve made the change and my urge to drink a large amount of water in the mornings and early afternoons has largely reduced. Before I was drinking 2–3 litres and now I’m only drinking half. I’m alternating by 1 week each, so will be interesting to see any differences. I’m not sure whether more water is good or bad or what, but I’m still drinking less in the evenings and that is a bonus for getting through the night with less interuptions.
I was once concerned about SGLT2i so I did do dapa on/off/on over many weeks without rapa, and did not notice any impact either way.
Since then, I’ve been on dapa so long that I forgot about it, but the rapa experiment was concurrent with dapa, so maybe you’re right. I suppose I could drop dapa and try again.
Nice study, thanks. It is in mice.