Can you share your Longevity / HealthSpan Regime?

Why did he test his IgG level?

It was one of several steps in a workup looking for the underlying cause of a chronic viral infection that has been responsive to an antiviral medication but not eradicated by it. They are now mapping his IgG response curve.

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This video might be interesting for getting some ideas about timing of supplements. A bit extreme, I know;


I just listened to Cameron Sepah on episode 291 of Boost Your Biology about maintaining natural production of testosterone while taking pharmaceuticals to increase levels. He seemed grounded, experienced, and very knowledgeable. I was impressed and would highly recommend.


Walter, do you still take MK 2866 (aka ostarine/enobosarm)? Have you found the need to cycle on/off at the 2mg daily dose, and did you do blood work to check testosterone/estrogen levels during therapy?

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Yes, I was aware of the phase 1 results combining MK-2866 with GLP-1 to reduce muscle wasting. I started taking Mounjaro (tirzapetide) an£ have lost a considerable amount of unhealthy fat. However I have lost almost no muscle mass!! In fact I’ve gained a small amount.

I’m taking 7.5mg daily (I started at 2.5mg and increased dose by 2.5 after about 3 month intervals). I’m also taking Canagliflozin.

I’m not yet concerned about testosterone suppressing effects. It’s a bridge I’ll cross later. Probably PCT with tamoxifen.

I’m currently on 12.5mg (highest dose) of branded Mounjaro. Currently about 16% body fat and 5% visceral. I’m keen to get to 10-12% body fat and 0-1% visceral fat.

Using radio frequency, microcurrent and laser for loose skin with some success. But, any further suggestions very much welcome :blush:

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You aren’t worried about decreased estrogen either? You’re certainly inhibiting endogenous testosterone (and by extension estrogen) at that dose. Could it be worth a blood test just to check?

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Ah, good idea. I will check in the coming days.


Ordered a blood test - wanted to go onto TRT if needed anyway :blush: