Can you share who you trust as an "expert" in the longevity and Healthspan space

Mike is awesome, he does a lot of experimentation and testing, which he shares freely. I’ve learned a lot from him.


Dr Oliver Zolman - he is Bryan Johnson lead guru - Oliver has followed the science as well as anyone I’ve seen. He has a very low tolerance for things not supported by RCT’s. Not sure if that is good or bad as without experimentation that is off the radar, how is anything new discovered?

I’ve learned a fair bit from Oliver over the years, mostly prior to the great Bryan experiment.


Certainly true that average life expectancy is 74-79, but misleading as it is an average. Those who die very young screw up the data.


Alan Green
Matt Kaeberlein

The rest okay. No David Sinclair.


What’s is the best way to engage with Oliver’s perspectives?

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I once met Jack LaLanne. He was at the grand opening of a relatively small gym near my house when I lived in Tucson. He was a ball of energy, jumping on different machines. As he raced by me, he slapped me on the back and his voice boomed, how you doing? Quite a memorable experience.


I am not a fan of either of these guys for very different reasons.

Brenner thinks nothing works and will ignore any positive data.

Sinclair can’t accept that some things he thought were once good don’t work.


Charles Brenner is in my view a bit negative, but he will engage with rational argument. David Sinclair just does not engage.


Dr Brad Stanfield. I’ve visited him in person too, excellent:


I like Dr. Brad as well. However, it seems like he’s going down a less controversial route and talking about things like collagen, creatine, and omega-3s instead of Rapamycin, acarbose, metformin, etc…

He’s more of a health news reporter which is something we do need.


Yes, the rules around Rapamycin are very strict in NZ and Dr Stanfield wasn’t able to prescribe it for me unfortunately, even though he is very aware of its benefits. I imported some from India but our local friendly customs officers confiscated it :frowning:


Read lots on these sites, mostly from men… Do many women use Rapa 1 Sirolimus 2… on my 6th dose after twice weekly dose… Am certainly not napping anymore… I am 76… no known health problems… not sure where this leading me… but feel well… I also use DNA supps … Most of the people in this age group seem to suffer from painful feet… which leads to falls… Drs, love handing out painkillers… but they do lead to kidney problems I hear…
The other thing I find irritating is instead of Hip/Knee replacement, (seems they can’t wait to get you on the table)… anyway I had some stem cells… 4/5 yrs ago… great results… but was expensive and HBF won’t cover it… they called it cosmetic surgery???.. anyway thought I’d give it another go… now double the price… odd… $5000…—$10,000 as against $50,000 for surgery??? Seems big Pharma doesn’t like losing $$$
Lily Mary


Hi Mary, welcome to the site! We have many women here, but sometimes their usernames are generic or masculin sounding.

Help me understand your dosing… are you saying twice every week, or once every two weeks? We’ve had a lot of confusion around this in the past. most people dose just once per week, and about 10% do once every two weeks. See our dosing information thread here: What is the Rapamycin Dose / Dosage for Anti-Aging or Longevity?

You mention that you are not napping any longer… is that because of rapamycin? Has it helped in your energy levels?

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exactly my thoughts as I was here for the first time. In short: yes.

Same here. As I read the first time about longevity, I read something about sincliar from
I think Sinclair is really good at marketing his products. I don’t think he’s a mad scientist, but I just don’t trust him. For example: Matt Kaeberlein or Brad Stanfield are way more caution is their statements. I really appreciate that.
But I always take their statements with a grain of salt.
For example Matt Kaeberlein: He has quit his job at the university. So we will have to see if his statements will become influenced by his commercial interests.


Don’t want to be negative, but is there any value to listing those people who you don’t trust, or think are putting out misinformation?

I think Matt is great, but I think its human nature to be more positive on things you have a vested interest in, and more neutral on things you don’t.

Its really hard to be neutral when a large part of your salary is dependent on the financial success of something you are involved in.

So - I take anything said by anyone who has a stake in the outcome, with a large grain of salt. I don’t think David Sinclair or others are purposely being deceptive, I think its just human nature.


I am using Metformin 1 tablet (IP1000mg), 2 Sirolimus (1mg )… each tablet…twice a week … have had no side effects… first 2 doses… had loose bowel movement… but not now… after 6 doses… I noted people have a break after 3 months… will probably do that also…
Thanks Mary

Am fairly new at this… so am reading heaps… if I need to make an adjustment I will look at that also… and will try 3 months… then take a break… maybe a month… but will look at these time frames again later… Thanks Mary


I trust Richard Miller

Best Regards
Ahmet Taviloglu


Energy levels are better… but stopped the napping when I began using DNA… started Rapa/Met … was hoping that would help with painful feet… little better, but might try stem cells later…