Bryan Johnson, Is he the New Poster Child for Rapamycin Use?

I am testing 50 mcg but I don’t know how long I will do so until I test my vitamin D levels. If it’s below 75 nmol/L I think I will just double to 100 mcg to keep it simple and test again after awhile.


There are numerous hypotheses concerning the processes of aging.
The controversy surrounding NMN and the optimal dosage of rapamycin to take is typical of the situation.

There are people much smarter than me, and that’s okay with me.
Johnson and Zolman clearly have better IQs and know a lot more than I do.
Still, I don’t agree with every idea they come up with.
A lot of the time, even the smartest people who win the Nobel Prize are wrong in the end.
Linus Pauling, who lived from 1901 to 1994, was wrong about how DNA is structured and how well high amounts of vitamin C work.

However, after seeing the entire film, I am mostly on their side. I don’t find them particularly cultish, if you mean intended to appeal to a small group of fashionable people.
Every music star, movie celebrity, etc. has a “cultish” following.

Bryan appears to wish to convey the knowledge he has gained about aging to everyone. After watching the full video, I am mostly in their camp for now.


I’ve listened to a half dozen interviews of Brian Johnson on YouTube and they’re all very interesting!
Brian is all about sleep. He devotes every waking moment to getting better sleep!


Bryan has a new supplement available to enhance his penile injections.


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Oh no! Not Bryan Johnson’s…“johnson” again. Seems like kind of an obsession around here. Don’t you guys have anything better to think about?!!

I found this meme and it just seemed to fit perfectly. :wink:

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I haven’t been following this too closely lately… apparently Bryan’s sidekick Kate Tolo is now following the blueprint… and I have to say, from the look of things it must be working. I swear she doesn’t look a day over 25 :wink:

If Bryan is that confident in his protocol, shouldn’t he be recruiting a 45 or 50 year old woman who wants to be 18 again too? Starting with a 27 year old female just seems like cheating…

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Brenner on the attack.


Unfortunately, I found the article to be high on fluff and low on science (nonexistent?)

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I like his decisions more and more each day.

Based on their ability to prolong the lifespan of both male and female mice, Johnson’s top longevity compounds are rapamycin, taurine, and acarbose. (and Metformin)


The cost of those 3 is about $500 a year. I wonder whether he considers the other $1.995m well spent.


Excellent summary from the man himself about why what he is doing is so much more important than what most people give him credit for.

And why he is the poster boy for longevity.


My issue with him is not engaging with the scientific debate about the underlying questions. That, however, is quite common.

This forum differs because people will discuss scientific issues from contrasting positions with I think in the main an intent to work out what is true (even if some people seem to be stuck in a groove even if it is a really nice groove).


IMO: Anyone who disses Bryan Johnson is a fool.

This is a great biographical video well worth watching if you want to understand Bryan Johnson.
I was very impressed by him. He looks very good to me at age 46.
In the beginning, I was very skeptical of Bryan Johnson. Now I am not.

Most of the great discoveries have been made by non-conformist thinkers who didn’t care what anyone else thought.

Thinkers like Brian Johnson; “Bryan Johnson is an American entrepreneur, venture capitalist, writer and author. He is the founder and CEO of Kernel, a company creating devices that monitor and record brain activity, and OS Fund, a venture capital firm that invests in early-stage science and technology companies.”

Bryan Johnson is a self-made millionaire and dreamer who is not afraid to take chances.
I think he is smarter than Peter Attia, Matt Kaeberleine, or Brad Stanfield, and is far more likely to find a breakthrough for longevity.


FYI, the original Blueprint site has been replaced by an online store. The old content can now be found here:

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While I am not disagreeing with the benefits of following the blueprint, I won’t be following the diet.

I do eat chocolate every day/
“Why You Should Eat Chocolate Every Day”
Bryan Johnson


Is this still being updated? I noticed some protocols are different from what he posts on Twitter and YouTube.

Random nutrition question relating to Johnson

Does anyone know why he chose cocoa vs the less processed cacao? I ask because I tried his cocoa and don’t enjoy it nearly as much as my cacao powder.

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Johnson must be the most probed and punctured human research subject in history. Collateral benefit for us less financially endowed may be finding out if over-treatment has any negative effects-first do no harm principle.