Azithromycin on hand if taking rapamycin?

I’ve never liked coffee, I find it over promises and under delivers :slight_smile: smells great then lets me down LoL!

I take it for the neuro benefits, not that I have a neuro degenerative disease. I do like the morning alertness and enhanced ability to focus aspect.

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Justin, have you read about the risks of grapefruit juice? See this thread: Improve Bioavailability of Rapamycin (2)

If you take any other medications, it could be dangerous. Be very careful with the GFJ approach as it can cause overdosing in other medications.

Personally, I would take rapamycin for a few months by itself just to understand its effects on your body, before you start making things more complex with GFJ. While the report in the one study we all refer to on the GFJ and rapamycin suggested an average multiple of 3.5 times, sometimes it was zero multiple, and sometimes it may be higher - so you really don’t know your dosing when you are taking GFJ with rapamycin. There is tremendous variation in the grapefruit juice and its effect at inhibiting the CYP3A4 enzyme, Keep that in mind.


Agreed, and having a prior negative incident when I was on Simvastatin and a dumb doc placed me on Erythromycin it led to rhabdomyolysis. Two 3A4 inhibitors. To this day I’m not certain but the combo caused a toxic level I think of the Simvastatin. My urine turned the “blood” indicator on a urine dipstick black in half a second.

Everyone would be wise to look at their meds from an interaction POV. Still, it seems that going low and slow, that with care adding GFJ makes sense if 2mg = 7 equivalent. It would not make sense to jump from 6, 1mg tablets to that + 6 ounces of fresh GFJ.

I’ve read your link and did not realize that some had a 7x multiplier, wow! Perhaps I’ll work up to 6, 1mg tablets and then try a 1mg + fresh GFJ and do a max blood test.

After that incident I researched and chose rosuvastatin specifically one reason was that it did not affect 3A4 to any degree.


I’ve posted this before, but taking caffeine or drinking it after a long break really is strange, you do feel high or on some substance (didn’t help much with productivity as I tripped out while watching John Adams (2008) - a biopic about a founding father). Feels like you can conquer the world, on 100 mg… Do anyone even remember their first hit?


Some people are more sensitive to the effects of caffeine than others, that’s for sure :slight_smile:

As a child of the 70’s caffeine would not have provided the same level of psychedelic experiences that were a big part of my life back then LoL!


I am a physician who has been using rapamycin 8mg Q7-10 days for 2 years. In my read of the literature there is no reason to suspect that the incidence of bacterial infections is increased in people using rapamycin in this sort of dosing regimen. It is clear that the incidence of viral infections is decreased and it is likely that bacterial infections are as well.
In my anecdotal experience (my wife, myself and 3 friends who have all been on a similar rapa dosing regimen) there has been no increase in bacterial infections and the only significant side effect has been the apthous ulcers.


I’d agree, Everolimus, not sirolimus, but still… from Rapamycyna – Longevity Wiki

mTOR inhibition improves immune function in the elderly

In a phase 2 randomized clinical trial published in Science Translational Medicine in 2014, low-dose TORC1 inhibition with the rapalog everolimus showed improvement in immune function in the elderly. The clinical trial enrolled 218 adults aged ≥65 years, observing decreased incidence of all infections, as well as improved influenza vaccination responses and upregulation of antiviral immunity.[57]
TORC1 inhibition enhances immune function and reduces infections in the elderly
A similar phase 2a trial clinical trial randomized 264 older adults to treatment with everolimus and placebo, and was published in Science Translational Medicine in 2018. The trial showed potential for reducing the effects of immune aging, with improvement in influenza vaccination response in the elderly.[58]

Everolimus enhanced the influenza vaccine response by approximately 20% at relatively well tolerated doses. One mechanism was related to a reduction in the percentage of CD4 and CD8 T cells expressing the programmed death-1 receptor, which has increased expression with age and a major role in inhibiting T cell signaling.[58] These findings suggest that, at an appopriate dose, mTOR inhibition may improve the age-related decline in immune function in the elderly.