Anyone trying something a little more edgy?

I am a proponent of psychedelic-assisted therapies and treatments, which have pretty strong evidence support for having mTor and other benefits for cognition, and this includes sublingual ketamine as well. Big pharma is the greatest rate-limiting step on this evolution because they want to patent and monetize new molecules when we have many candidates with thousands of years of safe use. Everything in moderation, of course, and too much can lead to excitatory brain impairments. I rank this in the Edgy category.


don’t know exactly what u mean by edgy but i also take metformin like 1g daily and mk677 20mg daily and was doing all that till i just ran out along with nmn 1g or less plus pterostilbene and prior that along with resveratrol daily and i always inject the rapamycin formulated according to internet articles according micellar(eg spelling error possibly) solutions eg mix with alcohol(i usually use isopropyl though usually ethyl is quoted but makes little difference),dmso,propylene glycol and polysorbate 80. Granted the dmso is usually not suggested in the literature but is certainly not a problem to me. Anyway the relative amounts of each are not at all critical according - google ‘injectable composition of rapamycin’ one or more of which are patents . and of course water is added to the mixture in all cases at least just before it is injected. According to one person here maybe admin he says most people here usually do not inject though to me it is certainly not edgy but very common and conventional on many many internet articles.

oh ok i used to inject(the way it is supposed to be done) ketamine quite often for the kicks - in cambodia one can buy the pharmaceutical official product directly from a couple pharmacies though they are selling it illegally - it can be quite a thrill sometimes and quite a paranoia trip also sometimes. it can go from really exciting to quite a paranoia bummer and like all psychedelics they are kind of what one would call anti-addictive meaning finally u know what to expect and the bad trips become a higher proportion of the time than the good ones. Eg after about my 100th or so lsd trips i finally gave that up decades ago as i have now given up ketamine and still have half a bottle or so in my freezer. i don’t see it as any cognitive improvement but u may be talking about just micro doses and not enough for any fun or fury - though i was nearly in the ’ k-hole’ a couple times.

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Ketamine doses used in therapy are low doses and safer. Doing excessive ketamine can have a detrimental effect on the brain.

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I learn something new here every day. I thought injecting isopropyl alchohol would kill you very quickly, but it looks like it just damages your blood vessels, and maybe they can repair themselves quickly? Without giving you grief about it.

You can’t be doing this to save money since with gfJ, I get by with $8/month and have a peak around 27 and a trough around 2, 2 weeks later. You should test your blood levels and find out just for the sake of science. I’d like to know and you may have set a record.

The point of Rapamycin is to live longer and feel better. I think a injecting a possibly contaminated solution of somewhat toxic chemicals into your bloodstream works against that goal.

One great reason to go oral is that it helps filter out contaminants and you don’t need (toxic) solvents.

I’m not a medical professional.



Just to make this really clear for you and everyone else. What you are doing is borderline suicidal. You are buying rapamycin powder from some random site in China, mixing it and injecting it at extremely high dosing levels that likely significantly reduces your immune system function.

This is not much different than buying heroin on the street and shooting up - and not at all the scientific, medical approach that we take here. If the goal is long life, the approach you are taking (in my opinion) is absolutely the wrong approach.

The key issues are:

  1. Buying rapamycin powder from some random company in China and not having a competent lab test the product for contaminants means you have no idea what is in the powder you are injecting. You have no idea how sterile it is, etc. It may have real rapamycin in it, but you have no idea what the other drugs might be in it too. See this thread from a biochemist on our forums and please re-think what you are doing: Intramuscular (IM) + Intranasal (IN) Rapamycin - A new paradigm for human longevity translation - #124 by O_o

  2. From your comments about injecting Ketamine, it sounds like you have been a street drug user in the past and have knowledge and experience injecting drugs. I have never taken street drugs and knowing now what I know about drug manufacturing and quality control, I never would. Please, do not encourage rapamycin or any other type of injections here on this site. Our goals here with this site is very much focused on thoughtful scientific discourse and calculated risk taking, and not taking unnecessary risks. The goal here after all is a longer, healthier life. Reckless risk taking is common in many people, but that is not likely to increase one’s lifespan and is not the ethos at this site. Please do not encourage it or you will be banned.


. . . as Dan is masterfully illustrating for all of us in this thread.


…geez uh…err… maybe? :slight_smile:

Dan, if you think injecting mega doses of untested Rapamycin every week is going to make you happy, you’re wrong. Get your shit together :slightly_smiling_face:. :vulcan_salute:


I wonder what their replacement solution is? If it is only albumin, the volunteers are bound to lose in the process, minerals, trace elements, vitamins etc … . I could understand the benefits in case of diseases where there are harmful (auto)antibodies targeted for removal in therapeutic plasmapheresis. ‘Filtering’ ‘old’ blood might not be enough, as the longevity benefits observed in mice might be due to substances contained in the plasma of young mice. I would expect some degree of fatigue after plasmapheresis sessions …

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What about cognitive impairment?

No, not even joking here. Given your past history, I am seriously concerned as to whether your grip on reality is sound. Please seek medical counsel.


not encouraging anything for others as they can do as they please and the ketamine was NOI a street drug but produced by commercial pharmaceutical medical companies in an injection vial for anesthesia and which also sell various other substances to pharmacies.
And i never bought anything from random company in china.
I bought from one that sells api’s and do their own testing with official papers of purity and details. And calculated risk taking is exactly what the other users who comment are NOT doing = no numbers, no probabilities but mainly only emotion.

PS i am doing small doses much less than the equivalent most successful experiments on mice.

i don’t see any cognitive improvement for sure and neither does anyone else other than placebo effect i would bet. And i am not so insane as to go to some quack medical attention.
if i did that then i would be nearly insane .

Dan - would you please share the name of the company you purchased from? I’m curious. Most of the companies selling rapamycin (and most chemicals more generally in China) are just middlemen.

It doesn’t matter if the ketamine was from the street or a pharmaceutical product. What does matter, is that you’ve been taking it, and at what seems to be very dangerous dosages. You also mentioned LSD (and I assume many other drugs), and that you do these drugs "for the thrill" rather than for any medical purpose.

This suggests to me that you may be an abuser of drugs that happened to wander into longevity drugs. As a result, I don’t trust your relationship with these drugs, as you appear to be taking them on a whim, or for kicks. That is not a safe way to do this.

You are literally contradicting yourself.
In one post, you say that you get your rapamycin powder from China, along with other drugs, for 8 years. Now you say you haven’t bought anything random from China. So which is it???

That’s just what they report. You do realize that these sketchy foreign vendors aren’t held to the same standards as other countries, no?

This is just like when a company conduct an “internal investigation” in order to determine if one of their abusive CEOs has done anything wrong, and finds them innocent. Unless the reports have been corroborated by other independent labs or regulatory agencies, it’s literally just a piece of paper that says “trust me bro.

Uh, have you even been reading anything? Everyone is reading the data. Everyone is reading the numbers. Everyone is doing the math.
That is literally what this forum is for, discussing the data.

This, ironically, appears to be what your criteria are - you seem to just inject random drugs into yourself based off of the “thrill” as you’ve said yourself earlier!

Plus, I haven’t seen a single post from you yet where you actually state any “numbers” aside from the insane doses you’re taking.

20-30 mg of rapamycin injected every 5 days is NOT a small dose! That’s a HUGE dose!

Again, you should probably check for the opposite trend.

Going to seek medical attention, when you need it, is quack!?

You literally said, in your other post here, that you injected tap water from the Phillippines into yourself! TAP WATER!

And not only that, you got an infection! Do you realize you could have lost the limb you injected that contaminated water into, or even cost yourself your life?

I think you already are insane. If you think modern medicine is quack, yet you saw no problem at all injecting tap water from a third world country into yourself, then you’re certainly going to beat these so-called quack medical professionals to one thing - the grave.


isopropyl - no not at all and what you thought is very wrong. The ld50 is only about twice that of ethyl and it has been injected along with other substances in small amounts in many instances in the past and for nano emulsions isopropyl is used rather than ethyl in at least one article. For example for onr instance Google ’ Rapamycin-Loaded, CapryolTM 90 and Oleic Acid Mediated Nanoemulsions: Formulation Development’ though u could likely find the article with less words… Set a record for what ?
Everything else being equal i would expect iso-propyl replacing ethyl to ‘sting’ more than ethyl in those cases where one could sense it at all.

That is not at all the case nor anywhere close to what i said but more like the opposite. Other than i sure as hell don’t need medical attention and that is a quack statement. Other than that If it is science with numbers and proofs that is one thing and is of relevance. If it is just ones opinion with no direct proof nor even probability then that may be quack. I credit my success for one to ’ DO NOT EVER EVEN CONSIDER another persons opinion without direct proof. A good example of that is the statement just made " Do you realize you could have lost the limb you injected that contaminated water into, or even cost yourself your life? " that is so shallow and trite to even make a statement. I could say do you realize you could get in a traffic accident and die which is much more likely. That is what i mean by relative probabilities. My god if someone could consider all things that ‘might’ happen that is ridiculous as it is infinite.

It’s possible you set a record for the highest blood concentration ever. I could be wrong, but a blood test would prove it. That’s all I’m saying.

I think ketoconazole is for the oral route only. It suppresses the cyp3a something in the gut. You’re actually getting the entire dose, so 100% of injectable. With or without the keto.

If you took 30mg injectable at once, then checked blood levels in about 5 minutes, I’d be willing to put money down that you set a record. Not a good record to set, but I’m pretty sure.

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lol this is great stuff