Anti-aging strategies and the ways to implement them

Great idea. Let me pull my list together… and I assume you saw this, more broadly than just mimetic:


Yep, I’ve seen that post by Blagosklonny! And to be more precise, I was going for something like that, but also with a list of potential agents that would fit a particular strategy (natural or otherwise).

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Thanks for the summary

Let me add another intervention to the list:
Hyperbaric oxygen treatments increase 38% length of the telomeres, and decrease 37% senescent cells

But Hyperbaric oxygen treatment is expensive and with risks
In the following video, Steve Buss suggests EWOT(Exercising with Oxygen Therapy) may be one of the most powerful rejuvenation regimens, by inducing similar mechanisms observed in the Hyperbaric oxygen treatments study
Video starts at 1h4m17s

For EWOT equipment, Steve Buss mentioned two company

  • Optimalbreathing
  • Liveo2

And here is a video of how to diy EWOT System (for the oxygen reservoir bag)


AlexK has a good list here:

Oooo… and I just found this - great stuff! is it being updated and maintained? @AlexKChen

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Great summary, thanks for sharing.

In terms of evidence based, I completely agree with your list though, I’m quite fascinated with SKQ-1 despite the evidence of beneficial ROS which I couldn’t debate the beneficial evident literature. I have lupus and based on my personal experimenting, it has profound subjective benefits in myself such as increased energy, cognitive function, muscle mass/ function, stronger. In terms of biomarkers, I believe it increased my IGF-1 levels from 220ng/ml to 345ng/ml within 5 months time with a dosing regime of 5mg bid.

Again, another research compound- J-147 which the subjective brain effects are simply life changing.

These two compounds have improved my quality of life over any other such as, canagliflozin, metformin, acarbose, semaglutide, NMM, senolytics. Only compound that felt close, subjectively was rapamycin.

At this time, I’m most interested in experimenting with 17-a estradiol.

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Yes - I think that is the next big compound that people more in the biohacker end of the spectrum might be trying starting… well, probably now.

There have been human clinical safety trials and it seems fine at least in the short term. Its already part of the standard estradiol that millions of women take each year (they don’t separate the alpha and the beta that is in the standard estradiol sold today by the millions) - so again, its well established and used in humans already.

And - its already relatively easily available (if you have a friend who works in a chemistry or biology department of a university, etc.) and its cheap. If anyone out there is using it - please post a note on how the personal trial is going.

More data here:

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Incidentally - on J-147, have you seen any published research on it since 2015? The fact that someone has filed an IND (Investigational new drug) with the FDA on it, but then nothing has happened in the past 7 years in terms of research, suggests to me that some kind of problem probably came up and that its been abandoned as a drug candidate. Would you agree?

It’s possible, though in my opinion not probable. I’ve contacted them on the topic as it’s a good question, I’m curious of development as well. I’ve followed development but not as close as I should be.


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AMPK (activation) not “inhibition”- typo.


Is it the view of longevity researchers that CBD has no significant merit? There seems to be some interesting research on the internet.

I’ve never seen any longevity research on CBD - can you share some?

I’ve made 10 edits to the post already. Doesn’t look like it allows me to make more edits :confused:

OK - I made that post into a “wiki” that anyone can edit now and add too. Let me know if there are any issues - this is my first time using this feature.

At the bottom of the first post is an “Edit” button - just click on that to change things.


A recent paper on HBOT and insulin sensitivity: Hyperbaric oxygen rapidly improves tissue-specific insulin sensitivity and mitochondrial capacity in humans with type 2 diabetes: a randomised placebo-controlled crossover trial - Diabetologia

Do you have any personal experience with HBOT? I’m looking up literature to see if it also has benefits for otherwise healthy individuals.

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Actually in a normal or lower weight person (controlling total calories), higher carbohydrate to fat ratio is more life extending.

Keto seems to leak into niches where it has zero benefits because a lot of people are fat nowadays and have insulin problems people think the less carbs the better. Sure hormone levels may benefit from fats and there may be more protection against insulin issues but those are short term benefits, not for the upper percentiles of life-extension.

I do agree with the usage of some of mentioned above supplements, and to continue improving our knowledge on anti-aging compounds.

My thinking about keto has evolved too.

I currently think about carbs making more sense around exercise, especially HIIT or resistance training.
i) it could be less harmful, because any energy would be prioritized by muscles during exercise rather than the liver
ii) it could even be beneficial by promoting hypertrophy of muscles, allowing for more HIIT, etc.

But that said, I try to be in keto as a default. The ITP results w.r.t canagliflozin, acarbose which lowers glucose spikes, and with rapamycin (which is also activated by insulin), make me lean more towards keto than away from it. I know that triglycerides/ LDL-C levels can be an issue with keto, so I’m also very liberal with fibre and try to use more monounsaturated fat (and stearic acid), and I think that’s working out well so far, but I’ll know better when I get my blood work done again.


See TED talk of Shai Efrati below.

They have a branch somewhere in Florida. It, does look expensive.

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How do you supplement for # 20 myriocin?

It is Expen$ive, $60,000 for a course of treatment.

Way overpriced for very small value{if any]