Another Blagosklonny comment to think about

Very true. I can’t know exactly what percentage have opted to take rapamycin. But, as you say even now they stay silent fearing loss of credibility. But, that was not my point at all. My point is, let the ideas flow.

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Everyone’s microbiome is different so high fibre diet will work for some people and a carnivore diet will work for others.
No one can say that any diet or supplement or medication will work for 100% of the population.


Everything is nutrition science is based on observational junk science rife with healthy user bias and based on useless food questionnaires (check out the nhanes questionnaire and try to answer it for yourself, garbage in garbage out )

In dentistry however we have a pretty good idea what destroys our teeth, we don’t need to rely on epidemiological data, we know how it works: carbohydrates are just bad and so are acids, which makes a lot of plant foods bad for you

From meat and protein however we know that adequate consumption prevents osteosarcopenia and increase glutathion levels (both important for longevity), creatine increases cognitive function and in the ITP study shows that supplementing with leucine, the amino acid that most stimulates mtor does not significantly decrease lifespan etc

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microbiomes adapt to your diet given enough time, it didn’t take me long though to adjust from a very high fiber diet to a zero fiber diet but the relief was almost instant; no more bloating, no more gerd, no more anal fissures, no flatulence whatsoever, like 0 farts/day…

He advocates high-protein/meat + rapamycin,

Actually more recently high protein meat… is seen exactly as what aging people need. I can vouch on it for my diet and health 6 + years. Almost 2.5 with rapamycin.

Test scans indicates no calcium plaque.

But also, Matt K and Peter A. In their Nutrition talk agree no one perfect diet… we all respond differently. The gurus of the perfect diets have been disproven over and over. Hence, if you seem to have a good nutritional results… listen to your body. Advice of 2 men I respect.

If you haven’t listened to that podcast give it a go. Here it is


Folks, there is so much conflicting data in the nutrition field and associative studies (vs. causality) - that I don’t think we want to get into the mud of arguing about the best type of diet.

Feel free to post new research on interesting diet / nutrition areas but take it with a grain of salt and please don’t get too invested in it. Its not worth arguing about in my view.

And as always, please go “hard on the science” but “easy on the people”.

With a little luck, we’ll all still be here discussing the latest Longevity research in 50 years so it will pay to be nice to people :slight_smile: Take the long view on things.


At 5:40 in this Modern Healthspan video, Dr. Naiman discusses the mTOR spike caused by eating protein. The effect is gone quickly:


Good video, but he’s sort of comparing apples to oranges. Comparing himself, a lean, small fat-cell guy eating more protein, to obese average american eating too many carbs.

Sure - most people probably agree that the average american diet and being overweight are recipes for chronically high mTOR (interesting, it seems to suggest that the average american might benefit most from mTOR inhibitors like rapamycin).

But I thought that Richard (of Modern Healthspan) question was reallly more about if you took two identical people - perhaps of a physique more like either Ted or Richard’s - not obese, moderately sized fat cells - and fed them moderate levels of protein or plant-based carbs, is there a difference in terms of mTOR long term and what would be the differential outcome. Unfortunately he didn’t address that question.

I get it that for the average american, his response was perhaps more appropriate but I would have liked the other question answered.


For a shorter, more succinct version, start at 6:45: “…dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of…” and “…most short-sighted ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard…” and “…it’s just completely moronic…” and “…I don’t know who’s worried about this, but they really need to reevaluate.”

:joy: it’s a fun video to watch. I like his style.

I’m a little concerned that he simplified so much that it was a little inaccurate when it comes to the root causes of T2D. But I am no longer worried about eating too much protein.

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Exactly Bicep!

My one pound every other day of steak - might be a bit low… need to move up to steak everyday. Would be along the lines of a typical Iowa Farmer diet… can’t kill those tough men. LOL

I think that I am super shredded and lean since being on rapamycin with my every other day muscle resistance exercising ( 1 hour 15 minutes).

Waist - pants size has gone from 34 in. to 31in…

Let’s see what I have for my BMI fat and muscle composition. Getting my DEXA bone/muscle/fat scan tomorrow at noon! Will share here.

By the way Bicep - you are about 5 hours drive north and west of me. I just might need to road trip up for mushrooms. I make a tasty Russian Mushroom Soup. My mushrooms and herbs are from Kazan - Russia picked up on my trips prior to the Ukrainian invasion. :wink:


I think it might be worthwhile to be skeptical of any evidence that tries to contradict possible downsides with something. Doesn’t mean it might not be correct, but confirmation bias and all that might make us believe the downsides aren’t really there, based on weaker evidence than what we typical demand.

“No actually, a lot of sugar is good, here’s evidence that higher blood sugar is better”

“No, look at this evidence that a lot of satured fat is actually really healthy!”

“No, actually, suppressing the immune system is actually good!”

It’s like plot twist conditioning from movies.


Sounds like the Weston Price approach. He has solid evidence. But I cannot refrain from eating Paella.

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I did a 40 lb batch before harvest and have been living off them since (dehydrated and ground). I’m thinking of doing Pioppino next just to see what happens. Have not ordered the spawn yet. I’ve been hunting deer more than usual and haven’t gotten bored yet. Winter is coming. I’ll get there.


Also, rapamycin does not suppress mTOR completely (there is still some mTOR activity), and it’s still better to have low levels of mTOR during the “off” periods (if one cares about more “on” periods, just take more breaks from rapamycin).

In any case, keto + rapamycin is riskier because there is much less epidemiological data on “meat-based keto being good” than there is for “beans/plant-based being good”, esp in light of the recent study showing that high-carb/low-fat vegetarian based diet produces lower hemoglobin A1C than low-carb high-fat meat-based diet