Alpha-amylase inhibitors (like white kidney bean extract) similar in effect to acarbose, except that they only work on more complex polysaccharides?

Amylase is secreted into the small intestines by the pancreas. Alpha-glucosidase enzymes are located in the brush border of the small intestines. Amylase breaks down the carbohydrates into oligosaccharides. The glucosidase enzymes (including lactase, maltase and sucrose) complete the breakdown to monosaccharide units

It’s testable with CGMs too. Also, are white beans (either cannellini or broad beans) a sufficient source?

It seems that it only works on the more complex polysaccharide chains, so it would not work on sucrose? (acarbose works more on this)

=> more on alpha-amylase inhibitors here (The results showed that the extract of sumac sorghum bran rich in proanthocyanidins…)


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In the first study, a placebo-controlled, cross-over study, eleven fasting subjects (men and women aged 21 to 57) were given 4 slices of white bread and 42 g (3 Tbs) of margarine with or without 1500 mg of Phase 2 (the Phase 2 was added to the margarine) [45]. The food contained a total of 610 calories, 60.5 of which came from carbohydrate. The tests were administered a week apart. Absorption and metabolism of carbohydrate was measured as levels of plasma glucose over time. In comparison to control, the glucose levels following consumption of Phase 2 returned to baseline 20 minutes earlier. The area under the plasma glucose vs. time curve was 66% lower with Phase 2 compared to the control (p < 0.05). The authors concluded that this indicated that 1/3rd of the carbohydrate in the bread was absorbed. However, actual absorption and subsequent excretion was not measured.

I haven’t looked deeply into this yet - they may be using SUPER-FAULTY logic in saying “AUC 66% lower => 1/3 of the carbs was absorbed” [b/c obvs insulin makes this a non-equation]

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For type 1 diabetics, levels of α‐amylase have been found to be double that of non-diabetics, though it is unclear why. Since most type 1 people don’t consume many simple sugars, an α‐amylase inhibitor makes a lot of sense in order to counteract the complex carbs they do consume. I’ll give it a try at 3g powder per meal.

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I will have to try an experiment with my CGM. This only works on more complex carbs, but lol, I will do the evil thing and eat bread… But first, before I do the evil thing, I’ll try it on beans + CGM myself.

Also the effective dose (2000mg) is way higher than the effective dose of acarbose.

It is MUCH easier to get than acarbose which is a strong point in favor of it. You can even get it from CVS/Target (though the Amazon version is better)

There is another thread on it here: Thoughts on White Kidney Bean extract (an alpha-amylase inhibitor)? How does it compare to/interact with acarbose (an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor)? - #2 by AlexKChen (my thread here has more detail so idk how to handle the merge)

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That’s interesting if you can compare the efficacy dose of Alpha-amylase inhibitor and Acarbose, and also the combination of Alpha-amylase inhibitor and Acarbose to see if there is a synergistic effect.

Waiting for your experiment and good luck.

Ordered this:

This has the highest concentration of all

The comments say it “blocks maybe 30% of calories”. I wonder if this is “total block”. Whatever, I’m going to try it with beans first and then other things

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I ordered WKBE Bulksupplement brand from Amazon. I will compare its effect to Acarbose when I receive the latter in a couple of weeks.

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Yes please do. Also test on carrots/peas/corn.

I suspect it works less well on sucrose. But very well on very complex carbs (possibly even reducing % calories absorbed even more than acarbose does)

I’ve decided to experiment with keto now so these experiments will be delayed

I’ve tested, it seems unlikely… Not extensively yet…